
is a mineral that has the chemical formula Cu2CO3(OH)2. When it crystallizes, this opaque, green-banded mineral forms botryoidal, fibrous, or stalagmitic masses most frequently in fractures and deep underground chambers where the water table and hydrothermal fluids facilitate chemical precipitation. Individual crystals are uncommon but do occasionally appear as thin to acicular prisms. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the primary source of malachite rough (formerly zaire).

  • Fibrous Malachite

    Fibrous malachite is a clump of individual crystal looking needles of malachite that formed and clumped together. It is also known as silky malachite, and is one of the rarest and beautiful forms of malachite.

  • Tumbled Malachite

    Tumbled Malachite Stones are beautiful, vivid green polished malachite stones. They come and vary in size, shape and patterning

  • Annoucement

    Our upcoming event will be in Tucson Arizona, in January of 2023. Check out our social media platforms for more updates and details.